News for June 2018

June 14, 2018 17:43
“The Cities of the Urals” Association held its 25th annual session in Chelyabinsk

The Mayor of Perm City Dmitry Samoilov has been re-elected Association’s Vice-President and the member of Coordination Council. 

The annual meeting  gathered the leaders and representatives of municipalities under the Association,  as well as the councilors of the Russian  State Duma and the Federation Council Committees, representatives of the Chelyabinsk Regional government, Regional Manufacturers and Entrepreneurs Union, Committee for Education and Social Issues of the Russian Municipalities Congress, the Ural Academic Institute of Economics,  the South-Urals State University, the Chelyabinsk branch of Russian Academy of Civil Service, the High School of Economics at Urals State University. 

Perm was represented by head of International Relations Department Tatiana Grigorieva. 

The program of the annual meeting included the conference «Development of human capital. Education. Professional training for managers, designers, specialists. Training programmers for municipal service: new approaches and technologies». The delegates  discussed  the new approaches and technologies used in training staff for public  and municipal service; the results of the association’s activities  in 2017 were evaluated and plans for 2018 were approved; by-elections were held to the governing bodies of the Association – the Coordination Council and Auditing Commission. As a result of the by-election, Dmitry Samoilov has been re-elected to the Coordination Council as the Association’s Vice-President. 


